I have had many people over the course of my lifetime tell me how one of my problems is that there are too many things in this life and world I want to do. So, they tell me I should pick one and do it and then stick to it. Maybe they are right. I do have many things in this world and life I want to do, but I still don’t understand what’s wrong with me perusing them all. I know it’s not ideal for people who maybe want a career with a company for 30 or more years. However, for someone like me who doesn’t like being tied down to one job and one place my whole life, it seems idyllic.
My crazy jobs and moving lifestyle has lead me to many jobs across our beautiful American nation. I have worked in retail, call centers, sales, movie theaters, theme parks from Universal to Disney, cosmetology, teaching, and writing jobs. Many of these jobs I have loved, others I have not so much cared for but I learned something from them all, and I learned a lot about people. I have learned there are people who are genuinely good and then most of the time there are people who are just taking there temper out on you because they either want free stuff or maybe having a bad day. That reminds me working in a call center once. This man had called and spoke with 11 other co-workers all yelling and no one could get him to tell him what is wrong. When I got the call, instead of trying to calm him down I just let him be mad. He was screaming and yelling and threating me calling me every offence name in the book, and for a good while he barley took a breath it seemed, and I didn’t say anything more than “I’m sorry” until he eventually stopped and started crying. I just let him cry and he told me he was sorry. He was frustrated over something he couldn’t get to work while thinking about his son and wife dying and about their funeral the day before our conversation. He then told me thank you for “enduring” him and hung up. I realized he wasn’t mad at the product or even us for passing him around agent to agent. It was his emotional turmoil and a straw that broke the camel’s back that made him need an outlet or someone to hear his voice. Everyone needs someone, even strangers sometimes. That was when I realized, just because someone is treating me awful and yelling and screaming, it isn’t always about the situation or the people involved. It could be something deeper and how I need to be more patient with others. It is a lesson I have strived to keep from that day on.
What would my life be like if I didn’t move so much or went after different experiences? I shudder to think about it honestly. I think one thing that has helped me get through the hard times is focusing on the new adventures ahead. There are so many different kinds of people and ways of life in our world and I would love to experience some. For example, life in Canada is different than life in Mexico, or life in France, is it different from life in London or Russia or Japan. I know we all have our similarities but I would love to learn more about the foods and every differences in other cultures. I think it’s awesome personally how different cultures can be, especially creative foods! And not just these cultures I mentioned, but many all over the globe! Everyone is trying too hard to be the same as everyone else it seems and that breaks my heart because it is the differences that make us beautiful in our world. I love reading about them so much. Especially in ancient history. And by taking jobs I can find as I work place to place, I get to experience so much about cultures, and people, and life in general and I love it. Texas A&M University did a study on cultures. They had one definition of culture that stood out to me. It said, “A culture is a way of life of a group of people–the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next.”
Maybe these people telling me I am trying to do too much with my life are right, and there is too much I want to do and experience. But, I decided I’m not going to change that about myself, and at least I am going to have fun trying my best to experience life, make new friends, and see this beautiful world before I will no longer have the chance or ability too. I am scared for our world and our future. We are destroying it piece by piece with our pollution and greed and laziness. That is why I don’t want to pick just one thing to enjoy for the rest of my life. Not one career or one place to live because one day, I am afraid I will wake up and these dreams will no longer be an opportunity to grasp anymore. So, I am going to travel, pressure my writing, and music. After all, we only do live once don’t we? Might as well make it worthwhile.