Ideas Have Power. Too many times I have heard that someone has an idea, but it probably won’t go anywhere, so they let it slip away. Some of these ideas range from book or movie ideas, to ideas on how to reach out and help others. I have even heard some awesome invention ideas. What I always try to tell people is that an idea is how everything starts. One idea, is one thought that grows. Making it grow is completely up to you.
That’s the hard part isn’t it? Doing the work to get your idea out there. What if people turn you down? What if they don’t like your idea? That is exactly happened to J.K. Rowling at one point. She took her idea, turned it into a book to get published, and many people turned her away. Yet, she did not give up. Instead, her persistence lead to an empire of magic, inspiring the minds of readers across the world.
However, ideas are more than just stories and books. What about the invention of the light bulb? Look how that idea changed our lives. The internet? You wouldn’t be reading this if someone didn’t put forth that idea. Some of these sounded crazy at first. But ideas have power and look how our lives are influenced by a simple idea.
So, what power does your ideas have? Most people think their ideas have no power, no influence, not important and mean nothing. Yet, I don’t believe that. The reason is because if it matters to you, or touches you, maybe your ideas could matter to another. The problem often lies in the fear of doing anything with that idea. People are often feeling like they would rather play games, go to the park, or hang out with some friends rather than sacrificing their time with hard work and effort to make something of themselves. I myself have struggled with this. Too often, I had the idea to write, yet I never did because I had other things to do. For years, I put of my love of writing and creating on hold, and I feel I have missed so much because of it. Now, I am writing as often as I can and I can see how it has enriched my life. My idea for this website may not have been spectacular or world-changing, but it has definitely changed my world for the better.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” That is a powerful statement. We live in a world full of so much anger and barriers and judgments, why not be free to be ourselves, who we really are? The things the world changes us into sometimes, anger, judgments, fears, they are taught by the world, they are not part of who we truly are in our hearts. We can become those things, but what about who we really are deep down? I believe we all want to be loved, and we all want others to love and accept us. So, why not be that person who loves and accepts all? Now there’s an idea! If we are true to we are, follow our own hearts, ideas, feelings, and our own spirit, then maybe that’s the first step to really understanding peace and happiness?
It has often been said many times in our literary history that, “the pen is mightier than the sword.” Why is that? Have you ever asked yourself this question? When you stop and think about it, we are still reading words written centuries ago. Words that still touch our heart or enlightens our souls today. Words fly into our souls, creating ideas and helping others understand life in a way they might not have thought before. They all started with an idea or thought, a voice, and someone willing to stand up, and make that idea become a reality. And as history has shown us, that has not always been easy, but I would say it has all been worth it.
My point is, don’t talk yourself out of ideas, dreams, or goals because you don’t think they would go anywhere, or you don’t think you are good enough to have them. Not trying is always guaranteed failure. If you have an idea you believe in, take your idea, and make it grow. So many people sell themselves short or think they don’t have what it takes, but let me tell you something: I believe anyone can be who they want to be. Life is about choices. You can choose to let your idea pass, or do something about it. Happiness is a choice; you just have to act on it. So, what will it be? As for myself, I plan on taking my ideas, and finding a way to make them a reality.