A Little About Me

People have told me many times throughout my life that I see the world differently from others. I am not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but I think it’s true. For starters, I see a world that has beauty and hope instead of darkness and hate. A labyrinth that prevents us from seeing the path ahead, and can oftentimes confuse us on the path behind us. I view a world that has challenges to overcome, and people with amazing talents from so many cultures and places in the world that can come together and truly bring joy to our home here on Earth. It makes life more fun and engaging when you fill it with people who appreciate you, encourage you, and seek to improve the world for the better, rather than add to the problem. Oftentimes, people come to me with their problems or worries because of my unique perspectives. However, I can honestly say I am not sure why people say those things because we all have unique experiences and perspectives compared to everyone around you. The difference is found between the people trying to change their perspectives to fit in, and the people who are not afraid to stand out.

I developed a love of writing years ago, yet didn’t apply it to my life until college. I attended school in the hopes to be a teacher, which I have now achieved, and graduated college as part of the National Society with Leadership and Success with a master’s degree in English and Creative Writing. I have a passion for the written word and how it can inspire others to bring change to the world.

Honestly, I am simply just a girl trying to make it through her own labyrinth and find fun adventures, good friends, and enjoy life along the way. Thank you for joining me.