Time in Isolation

What a bizarre time we find ourselves in. With so much happening all over the world while the majority of people are stuck at home in isolation feeling cooped up and helpless to improve the situation. I think this goes to show how many good people there are in the world. With so much evil around us each day, it’s easy to forget the good around us too. The people wanting to help, unable to help, and miserable because they want to get out and be friendly, lend a helping hand, or just enjoy some smiles and joyful times with friends and families shows just how awesome people can be as a whole.

During my time in isolation, I have had a lot of time to think. I have thought about my past, my present situation, and my future. My entire life changed again in an instant last month and I have been trying to come to terms with that ever since. This time in isolation has been good for me in that personal search for answers within myself. My Aunt once taught me to move forward. We go in the direction we are looking for. If I keep looking back and focus on that, then how can I go forward anywhere? Life for many people feels uncertain and questionable in terms of their jobs and future. I hope wherever you are as you read this, that you will find the answers you are looking for. The first step we all need to take is to focus on the things that are important to you. The things that make your life worthwhile.

Oscar Wilde once said, “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” How many people feel that this time in isolation they are only existing? Not truly living? I know I have felt that way at times. That is why I have to remind myself to utilize this time wisely. I can get things done, I can achieve some goals. Maybe I can read a book I have wanted to in a while, or reconnect with an old friend and family member over the phone? There are endless possibilities of what we can accomplish when we have time and our goals to drive us. Life is important and goes so fast in an instant. The trick is to utilize that time life gives to be all we can or want to live up to.

I wish everyone living through this virus in isolation right now to find joy or some peace in this worldly mess. I hope everyone stays healthy and safe and enjoys this extra time with our loved ones, but don’t forget to find joy and time for yourself too. After all, we all need to take a pause for ourselves now and again.

Good luck everyone. Until next time.

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